Sunday, September 23, 2012

To a best friend

   How can I repay you for all the times you listened to my sorrows?
How can I repay you for all the hours you spent listening to my
endless chatter?
   How can I repay you for putting up with me for so long? What
could I give you to say, "Thank You"? What words can there be
to express how much I love you for always being there when
I needed you?
   God must have known how lonely I would be on this Earth, so, He
sent you to me! You brought me closer to God without even
knowing it.
   You kept me sane in an insane world. You were sweet when the
world was bitter. When I was down, you pulled me up. When I
cried you were always there to dry my tears and say, "It'll
be okay."
   Love doesn't really cover every area of the way I feel
about you. You've done everything for me, now it is my
turn to give your gift back to you.
   You are the best friend anyone could wish for. I am
the luckiest person in the world to be your friend.
   Thank You! :)

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